Fingers and Concaves  2023
Chapters of Remnant Doings 2022
Softbody  2021
Nervous Pickers  2021
Evolving Masters  2015 - 2021
The Unused Five  2019
Souls Always Return to Itself  2019
Primal Dance  2019
Never Wash Without Soap  2019
Late Dawn  2018
Tomorrow is Obsolete  2017
Collider Body  2017
Hand und Fuss  2017
Posing Sources  2014 - 2016
Posing Tools  2016
Evolving Masters - Seoul version  2015
Laughing Intelligence  2015
Custom Utility  2014
Orthopedic Reconstructions  2014
Inversed Triumph  2014
Amplified Portrait  2013
In Real World  2013
Waiting With the Fruits  2013
Dislocated Cinema  2012
Dislocated Headquarters  2011
Negative Exposure  2011